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Crushed Salt + Mist Air Fragrance Card, Pack of 2

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Each Unit Comes In A Pack of 2 Air Fragrance Cards Riding against white-capped waves on a sailboat at sea, mist splashing toward the mast, lily of the valley, fresh green leaves, a touch of pine. Enjoy fragrance on the go with an easy and maintenance free air fragrance card. Product lasts 1-3 weeks depending on use and sensitivity to fragrance. Suggested spaces for use: - On a rear view mirror of a car - On a hanger in a closet (not touching clothing) - On a towel rack in a bathroom (not touching towels) WARNING: Fragrance card should always hang freely. DO NOT make contact with upholstered, painted, plastic or finished surfaces. Keep out of reach of children and pets. Fragrance card may discolor over time. Seller nor manufacturer are responsible for misuse.